Handcrafted with lightweight, stiff and durable ALUXX aluminum, it’s the perfect entry to full-suspension performance.
FlexPoint Suspension technology helps you tackle challenging terrain and improve your trail riding capabilities.
Larger diameter wheels roll over rugged terrain with balance and stability, giving you the momentum to tackle technical climbs and the confidence to fly on singletrack descents.
Rolig off-road, rolig on-road. ALLTRACK 4 är det perfekta valet för din introduktion till världen av el-hardtails. Detta tack vare en kraftfull komponentmix: det pålitliga Bosch Performance Line Smart System-drivsystemet ger rätt stöd i alla terränger. Robust Shimano-växelsystem och kraftfulla skivbromsar garanterar säker och njutbar körning. Med ett 500 Wh batteri får du tillräckligt med energi för att utforska bortom dina tidigare gränser.
Mångsidig: WTB Ranger Comp-däcken rullar smidigt även på asfalt, vilket gör att du kan ha kul på alla underlag.
The SUV among off-road bikes: The FullFatSix is a monster truck with full suspension that doesn't compromise on comfort or safety. Its 4" tyres, 120mm travel and powerful disc brakes give you maximum traction and safety on any terrain - and put a broad grin on your face at the same time.
DEMOcykel med 10,8 mil på mätaren.
Mindre skav och märken finns men inget som påverkar cykelns funktion.
Inget äventyr är för långt eller mål för avlägset med CT5. CT5:s Shimano EP8-motor och Core S1 batteri säkerställer att din hastighet hålls konstant och stadig, medan det passiva motorkylsystemet ser till att värme aldrig blir ett problem.
Pather 1 FS är en äventyrscykel med fullfjädring, byggd för att klara alla terränger. Med 120 mm fjädringsväg fram och bak, offroad-däck och optimerad ramgeometri tar den dig till de mest avlägsna lederna. Utrustad med Tektro-bromsar och drivlina samt den pålitliga 70 Nm Yamaha PW-ST-motorn, ger cykeln kraft och kontroll. Det 630 Wh stora batteriet säkerställer en imponerande räckvidd.
Med komplett trekkingutrustning som MIK-pakethållare, skärmar, stöd och lampor, är Pather 1 FS redo för fantastiska upplevelser i naturen.
BIG.NINE – Instegsmodell i 29” hardtail-världen
Meridas prisvärda 29” hardtail är byggd på en lätt aluminiumram med komfortinriktad geometri. De stora hjulen ger stabilitet och bra markkontakt, medan den dämpade SR Suntour-gaffeln med 100 mm slaglängd förbättrar komfort och kontroll. Med en 3x-drivlina klarar du även brantare stigningar utan problem.
MTB kräver styrka, kondition och teknik – därför är det viktigt att ha en cykel du kan lita på. BIG.NINE-serien finns i aluminium- och kolfibervarianter med olika ramgeometrier för både tävling och rekreation. Meridas CF- och LITE-ramar har en aggressiv design för tävlingsfokus, medan TFS- och SPEED-ramarna erbjuder en mer avslappnad körställning.
Should you prefer the slightly more minimalist approach of a double chainring setup over a triple while still looking for a broad gear range, then the BIG.NINE 60 (2x) might be the right one for you. It combines a double butted aluminium frame with a more comfort-focused geometry providing you with the perfect hardtail for long off-road outings and fast blasts through the urban jungle. A 100 mm suspension fork from RockShox and hydraulic disc brakes improve comfort and control even further.
Mountain biking is one of the most varied cycling disciplines and probably the most demanding when it comes to equipment. While full suspension bikes offer amazing riding characteristics, the classic hardtail remains one of the purest tools for the job. Our 29er wheel equipped BIG.NINE range comes in carbon and aluminium and features multiple geometry options. The carbon and LITE framed BIG.NINE, with its racing geometry, is an ideal companion on XC and marathon race tracks whilst the more relaxed geometry of the BIG.NINE TFS and SPEED offers a more comfortable, upright riding position. Our classic hardtails are the backbone of our range and showcase the enormous wealth of experience and knowledge we could gain in almost half a century of bike production and manufacturing. The BIG.NINE range symbolises the symbiosis between modern frame technology, attention to detail and craftsmanship 'Made in Taiwan'.
ONE-FORTY 500 – Cykla längre, snabbare och roligare på stigarna
ONE-FORTY 500 är den ultimata stigcykeln för de som vill cykla längre och snabbare utan att överskrida budgeten. Den hel-aluminiumramen i kombination med vår innovativa, prisbelönta geometri gör cykeln lika effektiv på tuffa klättringar som på snabba nedförsbackar.
Utrustad med pålitliga komponenter från Marzocchi och RockShox för dämpning, samt Shimanos 12-delade drivlina och hydrauliska skivbromsar, ger ONE-FORTY 500 en fantastisk balans och kontroll. Den nya geometrin, med 80° sadelvinkel och flack 65° styrvinkel, ger dig en perfekt position för både komfort och effektivitet, medan en lågt placerad ram och sadelrör gör det lätt att välja rätt storlek för din cyklingstil.
ONE-FORTY 500 är designad för att ge maximal prestanda på både flowstigar och branta endurospår. Den är byggd för att hålla länge och ge fantastisk cykling på både korta och långa äventyr, och levereras med lång dropper, WIRE PORT-teknologi och BSA gängat vevlager för extra funktionalitet.
ONE-SIXTY 500 – Prisvärd endurocykel med banbrytande geometri och pålitlig prestanda
ONE-SIXTY 500 erbjuder samma innovativa och prisbelönta geometri som sina kolfibersyskon, men i en mer plånboksvänlig version. Byggd med en robust helaluminiumram och utrustad med pålitliga komponenter, är denna cykel perfekt för allt från tuffa enduro-lopp till branta backar och utmanande cykelparker.
RockShox Domain-gaffeln och Deluxe-dämparen klarar av den tuffa terrängen, medan Shimano-drivlinan och kraftfulla skivbromsar levererar exakt och pålitlig prestanda. ONE-SIXTY 500 är utrustad med den senaste "FAST" upphängningen med flexstay-teknologi, vilket ger extra komfort och kontroll. Med en justerbar rockerlänk och möjlighet att välja mellan 29" eller 27"/29" hjul beroende på önskad slaglängd, kan du skräddarsy cykeln efter din stil.
Den branta sadelröret och den flacka styrvinkeln på 64° gör att du har full kontroll i de mest utmanande förhållandena. Ramen är designad för att ge dig möjlighet att välja storlek för att passa din preferens mellan stabilitet och lekfullhet, och WIRE PORT-teknologin håller kablarna snyggt på plats.
ONE-TWENTY 400 är Meridas enklaste modell av stigversionen av ONE-TWENTY med 120 mm FLOAT LINK slag bak och 130 mm fram. En perfekt cykel för dig som ser efter en kapabel och allsidig cykel till en fantastisk pris. ONE-TWENTY tar lika gärna en snabbtur efter jobbet som en riktigt långtur på helgen.
Helt ny design i 2019. ONE-TWENTY är en succé som fortsätter sin resa i 2022. Med många testsegrar och "BEST IN TEST bakom sig sätter den benchmark på vad en 120mm stigcykel egentligen klarar av. Med snärtig geometri och ett effektivt upphäng med bottenlös känsla andas den liv i platta stigar och klarar mer än vad man förväntar av ett 120mm långt slag. ONE-TWENTY kommer i två versioner - RC och vanlig. RC är lite mer XC-orienterad med 100mm slaglängd bak och 120mm fram för en mer direkt känsla och effektivt tramp. Den vanliga ONE-TWENTY har 120mm bak och 130mm fram och har mer aggressiv geometri som älskar fart och lek.
The all-new Chisel has been purpose-built to tackle modern cross country trails and race courses with the utmost speed. In fact, it shares many of the same modern features as its Epic Hardtail sibling, but in a more budget-friendly package—making it the most efficient and capable alloy hardtail out there.
This Chisel comes spec'd with Shimano's tried and true Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain and MT400 hydraulic disc brakes, a RockShox Judy Silver fork, and 25mm internal width alloy wheels wrapped in 2.3 Fast Track Control casing tires.
While carbon often gets all the credit, alloy is far from obsolete, especially the M5 premium aluminum with D'Aluisio Smartweld technology found on the Epic Comp Alloy. It's lightweight, stiff, and can also take a beating. But not only that, you also get a redesigned version of the Brain suspension technology that's made the Epic famous.
Race courses have evolved over the past few years. They're more technical, steeper, and simply more challenging to ride. But instead of quivering in our boots, we saw this as an opportunity to make something special—something that both World Cup athletes and XC riders alike can instantly feel the benefit from. We looked at the sum of parts that make a bike handle well, like the head angle, reach, stack, chainstay length, fork offset, etc., and reevaluated all of it. Increasing the reach made a bike that was more stable at speed and generally more comfortable to ride. Dropper posts? Yep, those fit, and not just a short-travel XC option, but full-length droppers that fit in the 30.9mm seat tube. Head angle? We slacked that out, but not without evaluating the overall handling package. It now lands on a custom offset, 42mm fork that works with the slacker head angle in order to behave itself in tight corners and through switchbacks.
Next comes the redesigned Brain technology, Brain 2.0. The Brain changed the way the bike world looked at suspension, both its inefficiencies and benefits alike. And oh was it good. It won races and put a flag in the ground for us as a true leader in innovation and suspension development, but we knew that we could make it better. Simple physics told us that, by moving the Brain closer to the rear axle, it would be in the most sensitive spot. And after countless hours with the RockShox team, the new Brain became more than just a slight upgrade. It's totally new. Now, it reacts seamlessly to bump forces, it has much more consistent damping performance, and finally, it integrates the hoses into the suspension links. This, in turn, improves oil paths, and it creates an incredibly sleek package that outperforms anything on the market.
At the heart of the construction, you'll find our M5 alloy with the exclusive D'Aluisio Smartweld Technology, which strategically places more welding material where it's needed, resulting in an aluminum bike that's more compliant and considerably stiffer at nearly every tube juncture.
The build of the Epic Comp Alloy is value-packed, featuring an 11-speed SRAM GX groupset, SRAM Level TL brakes, and a Roval Control alloy wheelset. Get ready, because this is going to be Epic.
The Turbo Levo Hardtail takes everything that makes a speedy 29er fun and efficient…and then makes it even better How? Turbo technology. Our 1.2 E motor lends a powerful and natural-feeling boost to your pedaling efforts. This is a bike built to take your trail riding up a gear, without exerting all that extra effort.
The Turbo Levo Hardtail has all of the speed and nimble handling that our trail bikes are known for—an easy fit, ultra-short chainstays for nimble handling, and a low bottom bracket that makes the bike feel glued to the trail. In other words, it rides like an awesome mountain bike first and foremost—what would be the point, otherwise?
The Turbo Levo Hardtail’s 1.2 E motor smoothly and quietly adds power to your pedals and makes climbing the steepest of trails nearly effortless. Plus, you can adjust that power output, to conserve energy and get the most miles from every charge. Our custom motors also feature instant pedal engagement, so you get immediate power the moment you need it and consistent torque throughout your entire cadence range.
• M5 premium aluminum frame is light yet strong, nimble yet confident.
• Smooth, natural power assist courtesy of our custom motors and software.
• 100mm of suspension courtesy of an SR Suntour XCM32 29er suspension fork.
Better performance. Better value. Better Rockhopper. By tapping the fit and handling advantages of pairing each rider with their ideal wheel size and suspension that works its hardest for everyone thanks to our size-specific Rx Tune, we’ve baked in added performance to the all-new Rockhopper without dialing up the price.
Shimano and MicroSHIFT team up for drivetrain duties with a robust 2x8 drivetrain that can handle everything you’re throw down while confident braking from Radius CX7 mechanical disc brakes seals the deal of the century.
Better performance. Better value. Better Rockhopper. By tapping the fit and handling advantages of pairing each rider with their ideal wheel size and suspension that works its hardest for everyone thanks to our size-specific Rx Tune, we've baked in added performance to the all-new Rockhopper without dialing up the price.
Shimano and MicroSHIFT team up for drivetrain duties with a robust 2x8 drivetrain that can handle everything you're throw down while confident braking from Radius CX7 mechanical disc brakes seals the deal of the century.
A summer blockbuster with an eye for adventure, the Rockhopper Comp lives for high action and fast-paced plot twists and features an all-new, Premium A1 Aluminum frame making its singletrack debut.
Roll the credits to discover an SR SunTour XCM fork with a custom two-way damping circuit, Stout wheelset, SRAM Level hydraulic stoppers and MicroSHIFT’s wide-range 1x9 drivetrain and you have backup provided by a supporting cast that’s all thriller and no filler, but will never leave you hanging.
Excuse the brag, but we've really outdone ourselves here. Proving that true trail-taming capability doesn't have to come at an intimidating price, the Rockhopper Expert is the culmination of 30 years of redefining the relationship between value and performance.
Start with a painstakingly engineered Premium A1 Aluminum frame, add in modern geometry that keeps one eye on efficiency and the other on confident capability and you have the rock-solid foundation of our best Rockhopper yet.
Pair that with a parts list that just doesn't quit (...can we get a shoutout for RockShox's Judy SoloAir fork and Shimano's always-in-charge MT200 hydraulic disc brakes?) and you have a tubeless-ready, SRAM Eagle 1x12-equipped Rockhopper that's absolutely prepared to fly.
All barn-burner and no benchwarmer, the Rockhopper Sport throws out the playbook when it comes to putting performance points on the board while playing some serious defense on behalf of your wallet.
Game-ready with Tektro M275 hydraulic disc brakes, Shimano Atlus shifting and an SR SunTour XCM fork that’s built to hustle, the Rockhopper Sport can tack up the win on any given Sunday—and the rest of the week too for that matter.
The Stumpjumper Alloy brings all-new suspension kinematics and progressive geometry into a full-alloy package that's both lightweight and extremely durable. Outfitted with a no-fuss SRAM SX 12-speed groupset, the Stumpjumper Alloy is your all-access pass for trail adventure.
Metal fans rejoice! The Stumpjumper Comp Alloy rocks on, with one of the most advanced alloy frames ever developed. From the frame’s asymmetrical design, taking in the refined suspension kinematics and all-new geometry, to a build kit that strikes the optimal combination of performance and value, it’s metal, but it ain’t heavy metal. And it’s ready to slay some dirt.
The new Turbo Tero is an electric mountain bike equipped for everyday rides. A mountain bike that you can commute on. A commuter you can take touring. A touring bike that you can haul freight with. Whatever you need it to be, for wherever you want to go. A true do-it-all superhero, Tero combines adaptable utility with World Champion mountain bike DNA and category-leading electric pedal assist.
Tero’s strengths are the fusion of power, confidence, and versatility. Developed in concert together, these attributes result in a strong, efficient, adaptable bike that is a joy to ride everywhere, from city streets to backcountry trails.